Published Sep 27, 2017


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Claudio Romano Brando Moreno

Julio Cesar Castellanos Ramírez



One of the greatest challenges in the formation of human talent in health is the calculations related to the installed capacity of the practice centers to achieve adequate exposure to the clinical environment and facilitate the achievement of competencies. We present an analysis from the vision of an Academic Health Center such as the San Ignacio University Hospital in relation to the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia.


installed capacity, human talent in health, academic health center.capacidad instalada, talento humano en salud, centro médico académico

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How to Cite
Brando Moreno, C. R., & Castellanos Ramírez, J. C. (2017). Approaches to an Estimation of thCapacity to Form Human Talent in the Field of Health in an Academic Health Center. Universitas Medica, 58(3).
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