Published Apr 12, 2018


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Fritz Eduardo Gempeler Rueda

Alejandra Sanín Hoyos

María De La Paz Echeverri Lombana

Angela Lucia Baloco Barrios

Ana María Parra Pérez



After the introduction of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation into clinical practice, non-resuscitation orders emerged as an alternative for those patients that, for several reasons, were not candidates to receive this type of medical treatment. Over time, the non-resuscitation orders have increased in number, possibly due to the aging of the population, an increase in the prevalence of oncological pathologies or greater awareness of the physicians regarding the outcomes of the patients being carried to a CPR. According to the above, this study was developed with the objective of knowing and describing the frequency of DNR and CPR in patients who died in a level 4 hospital in the city of Bogotá. Likewise, the demographic characteristics of these patients were described.


bioethics, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, resuscitation ordersBioética; resucitación cardiopulmonar; órdenes de resucitación.

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How to Cite
Gempeler Rueda, F. E., Sanín Hoyos, A., Echeverri Lombana, M. D. L. P., Baloco Barrios, A. L., & Parra Pérez, A. M. (2018). Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders Frecuency in a Fourth Level University Hospital. Universitas Medica, 59(2).
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