Published Aug 28, 2023


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Laura Ximena Beltrán

Lina Paola

Diana Carolina Estrada Cano

Yaris Anzully Vargas



Introduction: Prune belly syndrome is a genetic disease with low incidence and high morbidity and mortality in the neonatal period. A case of a patient with this pathology is reported, and ethical considerations regarding this case are analyzed due to the limited information available in the literature. Case presentation: Full-term newborn presented signs suggestive of prune belly syndrome and required intensive care management due to complications associated with the condition. Given the extensive involvement and high likelihood of mortality, a multidisciplinary meeting was held with the clinical ethics service, and it was determined that necessary measures should be taken to preserve the quality of life. Conclusions: This case highlights the importance of considering the consequences of treatment on the patient's and family's quality of life. It also emphasizes the lack of information regarding ethical considerations and relevant aspects to consider such as communication with the family and the doctor-patient relationship.


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How to Cite
Beltrán, L. X., Lina Paola, Estrada Cano, D. C., & Vargas, Y. A. (2023). Síndrome del abdomen en ciruela pasa: implicaciones en la calidad de vida y consideraciones éticas de su manejo: Prune Belly Syndrome: Implications on Quality of Life and Ethical Considerations in its Management. Universitas Medica, 64(3).
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