Publicado Aug 31, 2017


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Diego Alberto Moreno Martínez



La anestesia regional guiada por ultrasonido se ha consolidado como una técnica efectiva y segura con progresiva y continua masificación en nuestro medio. La anestesia regional de alta calidad aplicada al bloqueo de fascia de rectos es una alternativa atractiva para procedimientos puntuales, con indicaciones específicas, utilizado en diferentes contextos, principalmente en la anestesia pediátrica ambulatoria. Esta revisión narrativa pretende profundizar en la anatomía, sonoanatomía y técnica del bloqueo de fascia de rectos. Además, discute posiciones controversiales y posibles focos de investigación futura en este campo.

1. Isaac LA, McEwen J, Hayes JA, Crawford MW. A pilot study of the rectus sheath block for pain control after umbilical hernia repair. Paediatr Anaesth. 2006;16(4):406-9.

2. Willschke H, Bosenberg A, Marhofer P, Johnston S, Kettner SC, Wanzel O, et al. Ultrasonography-guided rectus sheath block in paediatric anaesthesia--a new approach to an old technique. Br J Anaesth. 2006;97(2):244-9.

3. Ferguson S, Thomas V, Lewis I. The rectus sheath block in paediatric anaesthesia: New indications for an old technique? Paediatr Anaesth. 1996;6(6):463-6.

4. de Jose María B, Gotzens V, Mabrok M. Ultrasound-guided umbilical nerve block in children: a brief description of a new approach. Paediatr Anaesth. 2007;17(1):44-50.

5. Smith BE, Suchak M, Siggins D, Challands J. Rectus sheath block for diagnostic laparoscopy. Anaesthesia. 1988;43(11):947-8.

6. Abrahams MS, Horn JL, Noles LM, Aziz MF. Evidence-based medicine: ultrasound guidance for truncal blocks. Reg Anaesth Pain Med. 2010;35(2 Suppl):S36-42.

7. Polaner DM, Taenzer AH, Walker BJ, Bosenberg A, Krane EJ, Suresh S, et al. Pediatric Regional Anesthesia Network (PRAN): A multi-institutional study of the use and incidence of complications of pediatric regional anesthesia. Anesth Analg. 2012;115(6):1353-64.

8. Marhofer P, Greher M, Kapral S. Ultrasound guidance in regional anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth. 2005;94(1):7-17.

9. Yuen PM, Ng PS. Retroperitoneal hematoma after a rectus sheath block. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 2004;11(4):448.

10. Husain NK, Ravalia A. Ultrasound-guided ilio-inguinal and rectus sheath nerve blocks. Anaesthesia. 2006;61(11):1126.

11. Courreges P, Poddevin F, Lecoutre D. Para-umbilical block: a new concept for regional anaesthesia in children. Paediatr Anaesth. 1997;7(3):211-4.

12. Courreges P, Poddevin F. Rectus sheath block in infants: what suitability? Paediatr Anaesth. 1998;8(2):181-2.

13. Dolan J, Lucie P, Geary T, Smith M, Kenny GN. The rectus sheath block: accuracy of local anesthetic placement by trainee anesthesiologists using loss of resistance or ultrasound guidance. Reg Anaesth Pain Med. 2009;34(3):247-50.

14. Dolan J, Smith M. Visualization of bowel adherent to the peritoneum before rectus sheath block: Another indication for the use of ultrasound in regional anesthesia. Reg Anaesth Pain Med. 2009;34(3):280-1.

15. Sandeman DJ, Dilley AV. Ultrasound-guided rectus sheath block and catheter placement. ANZ J Surg. 2008;78(7):621-3.

16. Phua DS, Phoo JW, Koay CK. The ultrasound-guided rectus sheath block as an anaesthetic in adult paraumbilical hernia repair. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2009;37(3):499-500.
Como Citar
Moreno Martínez, D. A. (2017). Bloqueo de fascia de rectos abdominales guiado por ultrasonido. Revisión narrativa. Universitas Medica, 58(2).
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