
Basic Sciences, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics

Dental Education

Legal and Forensic Dentistry

Significant individual dental features in the study of the bite print lesion regarding gender and age

Paula Marcela Castañeda Castillo, Natalia Correa González, Dina Alejandra Jiménez Mora, Gloria Cristina Moreno Abello, Hernando Vanegas Moreno

Dental record application in Colombian Air Force Military Transportation Commando (CATAM)

Carolina López Torres, Fernando Ospina Espitia, Juliana González Moncada

Clinical Practice

Transportation of root canals prepared with the recapitulation technique using rotatory instrument Kavo 29CH

María Isabel Fajardo Gómez, Patricia Giraldo López, Luis Alberto Montoya Baena, María del Pilar Ribero Trujillo, María Cristina Gaitán Miranda, Jorge Enrique Delgado Troncoso

Healing of periradicular tissues at 1-24 months when retro-obturated with amalgam without zinc or MTA. Case report

Laura Helena Ballesteros Sarabia, Marcela Baquero Zea, María Fernanda Serpa Vélez, Jorge Enrique Delgado Troncoso

Over-infection by Candida spp and Staphylococcus aureus in patients with angular cheilitis

Claudia Milena Cedano Hermoso, Paola Andrea Molina Morales, Silvia Barrientos Sánchez, Margarita Chaves Clavijo

Expression of Proliferation Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) in Odontogenic Keratocysts and Dentigerous Cysts

Victoria Eugenia Gaviria Valencia, Hernán Dario Rodríguez Vera, Jairo Alberto Bustillo Rojas

Intraosseous anatomical relations in ramus and mandibular body in modified sagittal mandibular osteotomy technique

Mario Javier Garzón Leal, Paola María Mercado Cabrales, Ángela María Muñoz Chávez, Carlos Alberto Ruiz Valero

Platelet rich plasma and connective tissue graft for root coverage: randomized clinical trial. Preliminary results

Vanessa Lámbiz García, Ramón Pereira Ebratt, María Beatriz Ferro Camargo, Juan Jaime Serrano Álvarez

Heat Shock Protein 70 expression in well- and poorly-differentiated oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma of oral cavity

Adriana Loaiza Pinzón, María Fernanda Morantes Espinosa, Luisa Fernanda Suárez Nieto, Gloria Cristina Moreno Abello, Jairo Alberto Bustillo Rojas

Public Health and Oral Epidemiology

Evaluation of the oral health prior to the application of The Buccal-dental Healthy Student program, in the school “El Naranjal”, Villeta

Nelson Enrique Fandiño Quintero, Ana María Uribe Velásquez, Benjamín Herazo Acuña, Myriam Luz Agudelo Acosta

Prevalence of dental fluorosis in students of the dental service at the Social Security Institute of Sogamoso, Boyacá

Ángela María Cuervo Solano, Gisella Patricia Del Castillo García, Ana María Gómez Galvis, Lenny Silvana Guerra Granja, Benjamín Herazo Acuña, Sonia Edith Olarte Villamil, Néstor Hernán López Rojas